Buku psikologi pendidikan muhibbin syah
Buku psikologi pendidikan muhibbin syah

buku psikologi pendidikan muhibbin syah

Students’ achievement at grade 1 in majority (53.66%) as many as 22 students have better academic achievement, grade 2 students in majority (51.22%) as many as 21 students have fair academic achievement and grade 3 students in majority (56.10%) as many as 23 students have fair academic achievement. The research found out that nearly all parents (92.68%) as many as 38 parents apply democratic parenting. Data collection using the enclosed questionnaire and it was analyzed using Pearson Correlation statistical test with p <0.05. The independent variable was the parents' parenting style and the dependent variable was the students’ achievement.

buku psikologi pendidikan muhibbin syah

Sampling technique was using purposive sampling. The population is 130 students, and the sample was 41 students.

buku psikologi pendidikan muhibbin syah

The purpose of this research is to determine the correlation between parenting style and students’ achievement in elementary school of class-4 Lawang. One’s learning achievement is the result of the interaction of various factors that influence both from the inside (internal factors) or from the outside (external factors) and one of the external factors that has the influence is from the family environment through the parenting style applied (Abu Ahmadi Supriyono & Widodo, 2004) and there are various kinds of parenting styles adopted by parents, such as the authoritarian, permissive, and acceptance style. Families in facilitating children's learning will affect their academic achievement. One of the developmental tasks of school-age children are learning things which are not only derived from formal education, but also through their surroundings, one of them is the family environment.

Buku psikologi pendidikan muhibbin syah